Category Archives: I Worry A lot

The Bedtime Keyboard

I had a horrible night last night. It all started when I was wrapping up the work I was doing on transferring photos from my camera’s SD card to my backup hard drive, which I had to do because while I was settling into the Stevie Nicks concert on Saturday night, my camera informed me that I was out of memory on my SD card. I KNOW! That was an emergency of epic proportions! There is no visible monitoring of space on the SD card that I can find in my camera, so… there I sat at the concert deleting videos from two years ago, hoping that I had already copied them somewhere, while the legend of Stevie Nicks sang. BUT WHAT WAS I GOING TO DO, WAIT UNTIL BILLY JOEL TOOK THE STAGE? Of course not!

Anyway, so last night, I had finished clearing the SD card and I looked down at my keyboard and spied a solitary cat hair in the crack peeking out from under one of the keys. I tried to reach it with my fingers, but it defied me, so I ran into the master bathroom and grabbed my tweezers and a couple Q-TIPS, just in case. I got back and gripped that solitary cat hair and pulled it out, and wouldn’t you know, a kitten came up with it, but left its tail behind. Aghast, I ran and grabbed an unused, subpar dental tool from the master bathroom, came back and slid that tool under the line of keys on the keyboard and was even more aghast (yet, also, more than a bit intrigued, kind of like watching the Dr. Pimple Popper show) to discover even more cat fur AND, apparently, bits of snacks and crumbs in there. WHAT IN THE WORLD?

I proceeded to slide the dental tool through a few more times, loosening all manner of items and moving them to the end of the keyboard where I was able to pull them out. Every time I thought I was done, I discovered more, because there are 105 keys on this keyboard, which means there are 105 different places cat fur and crumbs can hide. That is 73 more places than in a human adult mouth!

Then I got the idea to stand the keyboard up on end, which revealed even more stuff in there and a suspicious rattling noise that required further investigation. Because, what if there was a monkey with cymbals hiding in there, waiting to wake me up at 2 in the morning?

I glanced at the clock and realized it was already 1:30 in the morning, and I had been at this project now for 2 1/2 hours, and what was I thinking? The keyboard and all its secrets will still be there tomorrow… well, later today. Then, as I set the keyboard down, the tool I had wedged in there popped off one of the keys and I was delighted! LOOK AT HOW EASY IT IS TO CLEAN THIS NOW!! I popped 4 of the other keys off, cleaned underneath and inside of them, and then realized it was 2 in the morning, so I was safe from any cymbal crashing monkeys!

I turned off all the lights and crawled into bed and then I couldn’t sleep because my mind, in its overly-tired state, wanted to find something to worry about, either in the past or future. Because everyone knows the best time to make amends or decisions is at 2:15 AM! Then I got cold, so I rearranged my blankets for better warmth. After I snuggled in, I had to get back up to go to the bathroom. Once I got back in bed, I discovered a lump in my bedding, and I had to rearrange my bed covers again. Then I thought about an Item I used to carry in my purse, but no longer do, but couldn’t remember where I keep it now. So I got back up and I searched it down, found it, and sighed in relief.

I finally settled and fell asleep, and woke up 4 hours later, before my alarm went off, shaky and tired. Good grief.

The first thing I did this morning was to look online at keyboard cleaning vacuums (yes, such a thing does exist) and thought, no, I am not ordering a $30 miniature vacuum for my keyboard. But I can see that if I had thought about that at 2 AM, I might have. Hmph. If you think the time change affects kids in a rough way, you ought to see what it does to adults who stay up past their bedtime.

But, when I get done with this new project, I WILL HAVE A VERY CLEAN KEYBOARD!

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Filed under I Worry A lot, Sometimes I Sleep, Time Consumers

The Post About Me & Sinuses and Teeth.

I vaguely remember a time that I didn’t have sinus issues. It was before that time I flew to Oklahoma when I was in my early-20’s with a bad head cold. Things were never the same for me after that. Chronic ear crackling; crackling every time I swallow and any sort of elevation change, and when we go up the mountain to Big Bear, my ears squeal at me as they try to adjust. It’s awful. Yet, I saw an ENT in my late 20’s and was told everything looked normal, probably just allergies.

So, I pursued allergy treatment and after feeling like a pin cushion for a couple months, I decided it was easier just to deal with it.

About 6 months ago, I had some pain in my upper right gums. Enough that I went and saw the dentist. He performed an x-ray and didn’t see anything amiss as far as my teeth went. He did notice that a crown wasn’t fitted properly and there was a small decay in the tooth next to it, but he said he was fine with watching it until next year when I suspect our dental insurance will change to better coverage, as long as I kept it really clean.

In August, I went and saw another ENT. His office performed a hearing test and then the ENT peered briefly in my ears with an otoscope and said I had some minor hearing loss, but since I wasn’t a judge and didn’t really need to hear every word someone said, I should just deal with it. He also recommended my son come in for a hearing test, because he felt he might be deaf, as well. Since I figured out he was a douchebag, just for fun, I asked him about preventative hearing protection for when I drive my convertible with the top down. He told me there was no need to do something like that, it wouldn’t impact my hearing at all. Oh really? Good thing I started wearing earplugs 10 years ago or so when I drive somewhere.

Three weeks ago, I had major pain in my upper right gums again. I waited a week and then went into the dentist’s office and instructed him to just do what needed to be done to the molars. He drilled the improperly fitted crown off, cleaned up in there (there was some decay under the crown), and fixed the cavity in the tooth next to it. I asked him about the swelling in my gums and he told me that looked like a maxillary sinus infection and that I needed to see an ENT.

So I pursued a referral to get a second opinion through my GP. Meanwhile, my gums were swelling larger, my face was swollen in response and I was in a ton of pain. When I got to see the 2nd ENT, I couldn’t even touch my face it hurt so bad — despite the Advil I was taking. After an actual exam (he looked in my nose and ears and checked my tonsils!!), he prescribed antibiotics and authorized a CT Scan.

Surprisingly, the diagnostic imaging place called me that night and fit me in the next day (last Friday). By the time I went in to see them, I had taken 3 antibiotic pills, and as I climbed into their scanning machine, my gums burst from the pressure. The relief was instant and the taste was utterly gross.

On Monday, the ENT’s office called and left me a voicemail telling me the authorization had come through and to be sure and schedule the CT Scan. I listened to the voice mail and rolled my eyes. Clearly, they had no idea how on top of things the diagnostic place was.

Yesterday, I went back to my dentist and while he was fitting my permanent crown, I told him my gross story about my gums blowing out from the infection. He took a look, went back and looked at his x-ray, and suggested that perhaps I go see an endodontist, just to be sure the roots were OK. Said if there is a problem, it’d be easier to get to now rather than down the road, because the crown is not on permanently and it would not be wise to put a brand new crown on just to potentially drill it off again in a month if there’s a problem. He further said that maxillary sinuses are the only sinuses that drain upwards, and he told me that blowing out the gums is an odd place for them to drain, they don’t usually have enough pressure to do that. He secured the crown with tempbond and sent me over right away.

The endodontist did x-rays and told me the tooth was dead. He tested it three times with liquid nitrogen (super fun!!). He showed me on the x-ray where an infection was still present and recommended doing a root canal immediately so that it didn’t infect the surrounding molars. I wish I could have had him take a picture of how he prepared my mouth for surgery; it was kind of amazing. He put sunglasses on my eyes and then he clamped something on the infected tooth and then spread a plastic cape to surround it so nothing landed in my mouth. The image I had in my mind as he worked was of a solitary tooth sitting on a picnic blanket. HA!

Turns out, one of the roots in the “dead” tooth was still half alive which made for an interesting drilling experience and many apologies on his behalf for causing me pain. It was my first root canal and I cried — such a bummer and all because of an ill-fitted crown. I cannot believe I’ve spent this much time chasing this problem and 4 1/2 hours in various dentist chairs yesterday.

On the upside, though, I finally got a CT scan, so I can’t wait to see what that shows as far as the sinus problems (probably nothing, but still). AND, one of the best discoveries of yesterday? Bite blocks. The endodontist used one while he performed the surgery and I didn’t want to give it up. I will be asking for bite blocks at all my future dentist appointments!


Filed under Health/Endo, I feel Sad, I Stimulate the Economy, I Worry A lot

The Sick. It won’t Go Away.

I can’t remember the last time I’ve been non-stop sick like this. It’s getting to the point of ridiculous. It all started when we went to Disneyland for William’s birthday. Because we ALWAYS get sick when we go to Disneyland. I just expect it. William got The Sick first. Of course he did. He’s the kid. That’s what kids do. If I were a jerk, I’d just say that he’s a walking petrie dish… but I’m not, so I’ll just say that his immune system isn’t fully developed, so he’s more susceptible to germs. Poor thing.

ANYWAY, so, yeah. That was on December 6th. I went to the doctor and was told there was nothing that could be done, just gotta tough it out. Fantastic! I’m always thrilled to spend a $20 copay to be told I’m a wuss.

I overheard that people in our accounting department have had multiple rounds of The sick… so it’s going around at work, too. Yippee!

Then we got The Sick again over the holiday break. I even had my payroll department to change one of my “vacation” designated days to “sick time” because I spent time visiting the doctor and was smart enough to actually get a note from him to prove it. But he basically told me the same thing as before, just gotta suck it up and deal.

Then, on January 1, I changed doctors and made yet another doctor visit on 1/4. This time I got antibiotics and got better, but 5 days after the antibiotics were gone, I got Sick. Again. That was mid-January, so I got different antibiotics (after another doctor visit).

Then I found out that the guy who is over the cubicle wall from me was sick, so I wasn’t really surprised when, ON THE VERY LAST DAY OF MY ANTIBIOTICS, I got The Sick AGAIN. And here I am. Sick. I am livid about The Sick.

So, I’ve decided that henceforth, this shall be my new outfit.

masked umbrella and tin foil

That won’t look strange at all, will it?


Filed under Health/Endo, I feel Amused, I Worry A lot

Randomness in the Brain.

How often do you relax?  I mean, really, truly relax?  Like you’ve just gotten up from a massage table, disjointed bones, melting muscles kind of relax?   It’s been too long for me. I realized yesterday when Tony did a 10 second neck massage, and I resisted it for the first 5 seconds, that maybe relaxing is a learned thing.  I don’t do relaxing well, apparently.

I got another summons for jury duty.  At least it’s just one so far.  The last time before this I was called to show up the month William was due, so December of 2011.  I was getting summoned every 6 months at both my post office box and my street address. Kind of ridiculous.  I had my doctor write a note to excuse me, and while I was at it, I mentioned the address issue… I didn’t hear from them after that until now, 2 years later.  Someone at the jury office put it on their calendar, I’m thinking.  I can’t wait for the one that I just know is coming in the mail to the street address!  Either that, or they’re going through the employee list of my company, because my co-worker, our CFO and our Compliance Manager have all been called in the last month.  Talk about relaxing, huh?

In the same day’s mail I received a payout from a 401K account from my previous job from a contribution that came in after I rolled the account over?  From year 2009?  With taxes taken out of it?  I had no idea they could do this 5 years later… strangest thing ever.

And… a suspenseful ending to my weirdly random post:  I’ve been trying to paint my nails for the last week. I just started them now, let’s see if I can finish before William wakes up to go to the bathroom.


Filed under I Worry A lot, Tidbits

The Other Side of Bliss.

There was an accident outside our community tonight. It was a white mini-van and a small white pick-up truck. When I saw the white minivan, I held my breath without realizing it, praying without realizing it, that it wasn’t our next door neighbor. When we passed by and saw the woman on the stretcher, maybe it was bad, but I breathed a sigh of relief that it wasn’t a neighbor we knew and my prayer changed to one that she would be OK.

Someone ran a red light in front of me the other day. His light had been red for at least 5 seconds before he sailed through. The guy next to me was so angry about it that he blared his horn at the person. Too late, of course, the law breaker was far on down the road by that time. I was just thankful that I had been checking my son in his car seat and hadn’t gone when my light had turned green.

I finally received my disability payment today from the state. They pay that stuff by issuing a debit card now, which I guess is supposed to be all hip and cutting edge, which is what I thought at first. But then I realized, it’s kind of a pain in the rear for those who already have bank accounts that they like, because then you have to create yet another login and password, initiate a funds transfer, which then takes up to 2 business days to complete. Plus, the debit card is issued in an account with Bank of America, which is not a bonus to me since I absolutely loathe that bank.

I caught a cold from someone last week and have been praying that William doesn’t catch it. If he manages to somehow avoid getting it from his main provider of food who breathes on him, and can’t avoid coughing on him, it will truly be a miracle. But then he’s a miracle, so maybe it’s not that far fetched of a hope that he remain healthy? I took some Children’s benadryl to try and help with my cold symptoms, but am being very careful about what I take as I don’t want my milk supply to suffer. As a result, I’ve had a couple bouts of insomnia this past week. Apparently, I’m one of those people that benadryl, instead of making me sleepy, has the opposite effect. Let me tell you, it really sucks to lie in bed listening to my newborn baby cooing in his sleep from his co-sleeper, hearing the house creak around me, knowing the minutes and then hours are ticking by and that everyone in the house is asleep but me.

I guess I should be glad I didn’t have any other orifices that stuff could come out of, because my ears are crackling, my eyes are red, my nose is dripping, my mouth is coughing out stuff that shouldn’t see the light of day, my breasts leak milk, my southern area is still working on recovery… and that just about sums up how I’ve felt this week.

The other night, I was nursing William and my nose was dripping. Rather than drip on my son, I shoved a kleenex up the offending nostril and just sat there, defeated, while William ate in blissful oblivion. I must have been quite a sight, because my husband walked by and stared for a second, told me how sorry he was for me, and then started laughing. Five minutes later, my mom did the same exact thing. They both apologized for laughing at me, but honestly, I can’t blame them. In fact, I almost wish I had asked them to take a picture of it, because I’m all about recording the reality of the moment.

Anyway, I think I’m on the mend, or at least I hope I am. My husband thinks he may be catching some form of something and is trying desperately to find someone to blame it on, but since his symptoms in no way resemble mine, I’m not allowing him to lay it at my doorstep. So far William hasn’t caught it, thank God, and let’s continue to pray that he stays healthy and strong. Because let’s face it, I would rather be the one with insomnia and sick than for it to be the other way around!


Filed under Gross Can Fascinate, I Worry A lot, Love/Loathe, Our Kid is Cute, Sometimes I Sleep

Oh, Bed, How I’ve Missed Thee!

As if my uninterrupted 9 to 10 hour stretches of sleep on the weekend, and the drooling kind of sleep I do on weeknights aren’t enough — yes, pregnant women everywhere hate me for that — I am now assigned to bed rest. Again. 24/7 hours of bed for this week! Hate away, you haters, I have other, for more dramatic pregnancy inconveniences that make up for my Camel Bladder of Steel that allow me those marathon sleep nights.

You may recall I was diagnosed with a low lying placenta? Yes? Why don’t you recall that? Do YOU have pregnancy brain? Why is everyone around me suffering from pregnancy brain? ANYWAY, so when I bled last night and this morning, I consoled myself with, “Oh, it’s just that bothersome low lying placenta…” went to sleep last night, work this morning and called my doctor. That consolation didn’t work so well when they called back in less than two hours and said, “How fast can you get here?” I was glad to learn, so I know you’ll be glad to learn, that the placenta is no longer low lying and has moved up! Far, far away from my cervix. Hooray!

My cervix, apparently feeling lonely from the disappearing placenta, has decided to shorten into a zone that my doctor feels is “not an emergency, don’t freak out, but you’re on bed rest as of now, you’ll need to see a high risk neo-natal specialist, and come in for electronic fetal monitoring.” Basically, it’s way too early for my cervix to be shortening like this.

So, just out of curiosity, I innocently decided to verify what my doctor said and plugged in my cervical length, how pregnant I am and went off to the land of Dr. Google freak-out. Oh, when will I ever learn (oh, oh, let me answer — never?)? STAY AWAY FROM DR. GOOGLE!

I figure most of you guys have been around my blog long enough that I can ask a personal favor of you… so, let’s get REALLY personal, shall we? If you think of it, would you mind sending up a prayer for my cervix?

We (my cervix, Baby, me, and my husband) would greatly appreciate it.

(Off topic: Seriously, doesn’t this kid have the cutest nose ever?)


Filed under I Worry A lot, Kid Quest