Category Archives: Our Kid is Cute

Concert… Billy Joel/Stevie Nicks

We were given tickets about three weeks ago to attend the Billy Joel/Stevie Nicks concert that occurred last night. In preparation for the concert, I’ve been listening to music from both of them and delving into their biographies. Doesn’t everyone do that?? I came to realize that I have long enjoyed Billy Joel’s music, but really didn’t know much at all about Stevie Nicks, but knew a few of her songs. With that research done, I felt comfortable attending and observing. Yay – homework done!

Stevie Nicks performed first. She would introduce a song, a little history first, sing, and then disarmingly would say, “I need to go find another cape!” or “I need to go get another shawl!” and then disappear for a minute, come back onstage with a different shawl,and tell us about the shawl/cape she had changed into as part of her introduction to the next song she was planning to sing. It was rather like watching a show-and-tell or a child playing dress-up. She displayed warmth and delight in her sharing, and it was completely charming to me.

Billy Joel appeared on stage with little to no fanfare, and the audience went wild. Obviously, he was the fanfare, and had no need for a dramatic entrance. He, too, talked between songs and while I knew most of the script (I had watched some of his concert performances online), he did ad lib a little bit. His self-deprecating humor was endearing and witty. There also seemed to be a humility about him, as he shared the spotlight easily with others, and seemed as comfortable with playing the piano while someone else sang, as he did singing as the front man (piano man).

Of course, one of my favorite things to watch is the tear down, as it is marvelous to watch how expediently a giant venue can be transformed into a blank slate again, and we had opportunity to do that while we waited for everyone to depart the stadium. (You will never find us rushing to stand in the aisles with a bunch of butts in front of us.) When we finally arrived in the parking lot and departed, I beheld the Husband’s gift exploring alternative, lesser known routes out of a venue, and we were on the road home in short order. Given the lateness of the concert ending, I was extremely grateful for his gift, as that meant I was home and in my bed much sooner!

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Filed under Our Kid is Cute

San Antonio Weekend!

A couple months ago, I planned us a weekend in San Antonio. It wasn’t until early June that I realized the dates I had chosen actually fell on Father’s Day weekend. I mean, what dad doesn’t want to drive 10 hours round trip for his family to enjoy a weekend away? Ha!

On Saturday, we visited Sea World San Antonio and had lunch with the Orcas. After walking around a bit, the Child and I decided that we wanted to ride two coasters (Great White and Steel Eel). After finishing our ride on the Steel Eel, we decided to leave the park because it was way too hot and humid for humankind to be outside in that. We ended up at Lego Discovery San Antonio for a couple hours (indoors!!), and then back to our hotel for some relaxation.

Sunday found us spending time with some of our favorite people at one of our favorite restaurants (Magnolia Pancake Haus) and I felt like we could have talked forever. And then the 5 hour drive home with a pit stop at Buc-ee’s (snack of choice was a BLT this time). Henceforth, I will always share my snack of choice from Buc-ee’s because that’s really what Buc’ee’s is all about (plus the restrooms).

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Filed under Our Kid is Cute

Hawaiian Waters

Last week, we checked out Hawaiian Waters, a local water park. We had a great time and got to watch the beautiful sunset. We rode all the slides once, a couple of them a few times. Sadly, I never did make it into the lazy river. I predict that we might go back … 🙂

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Filed under Our Kid is Cute

Messiah’s Mansion

We enjoyed a unique activity today learning about the tabernacles in the Bible, while viewing life size examples. If you’ve ever been curious, or didn’t know you were curious but now are curious, you should check and see if they’re coming to a city near you. If you do end up going, maybe try not to do it when it’s 100*F outside, though.

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Filed under Our Kid is Cute


Hitting 90*F here today, so we went to see Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse. We also noted that there was a bunch of popcorn on the ground outside the theater. Perhaps it will pop?

Also, we were glad we weren’t in the theater that the wall was being held up on the outside…

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Filed under Our Kid is Cute


We had our consultation for the Child with the orthodontist today for Phase 2. The Child makes no effort to hide how much he dislikes orthodontic treatments, would prefer not to do them, doesn’t care how great his smile looks, and has even gone so far as to call the orthodontist the Pain Doctor.

So, anyway, we walk into the consultation room and the Child looks at the wall where the orthodontist displays all his medical diplomas and certifications. Literally, years upon years of education.

The orthodontist walks in and and the Child, ever one for perfect timing, says in a loud, droll, unimpressed voice, “Wow. Look at all those pain certificates.”


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Filed under Our Kid is Cute

Memorial Day weekend!

Flags for Fallen Vets. We really enjoy this event each year.

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Filed under I did something Special, I Left Home for Awhile, Our Kid is Cute

Snake hill

We headed out last night, I wanted to ‘blade Snake Hill (our name for it) with the hopes of seeing a copperhead. We were not disappointed. We love rollerblading so much!

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Book Worm

Something happened to me.

Somewhere around April 15 I downloaded a book about a horse and I disappeared. Since that time, I somehow managed to read 11 books by Angela Dorsey, 9 books by Tricia Goyer and 19 books by Sherry A. Burton.

Hello, I am a book-a-holic and I have no excuses for my behavior. I would also do it again if given the chance. Sleep? Who needs sleep when there are books to be read?

While I was gone, we had a hail storm. I got a bigger glass of hail filled up this time.

The child finished his Awana book and we had a ceremony to celebrate at the church.

I evicted and then wrestled my giant plumeria tree out of the house and then carried my plants out from the greenhouse so they can all enjoy this beautiful spring weather.

The flowers have been blooming in the yard. My mom has been picking the irises and I’ve been picking the roses and bringing them inside so we can enjoy their glory.

One of my favorite authors has a book releasing May 2… that’s tomorrow (!!)… if I disappear again, try to miss me this time.

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Filed under I feel Amused, Our Kid is Cute, Tidbits

Happy Easter weekend!

Our city had a “block party” yesterday. They had the police, firemen and even a SWAT team out with their vehicles for citizens to meet, greet and learn. The In-n-Out food truck was there and tons of vendors set up in the gymnasium.

It was such a beautiful day with friends, and we visited the playground afterwards to run off some energy!

Last night, we dyed Easter eggs and this morning was the Easter egg hunt.

So thankful for our Lord and Savior who we celebrate annually on this day!
… and now we’re preparing for Tuesday, minus one. Where did the weekend go in such a hurry?

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